Attic Rodent Clean up

Do You Need Attic Rodent Clean Up?
Before doing any work on your attic, you must figure out if any pests have already called the space ‘home’. Rodents are a common culprit in attics, but knowing whether you need rodent removal and decontamination services is not always straightforward. While a professional inspection is certainly a helpful tool, there are also common signs you can look for to see whether you need attic rodent clean up.
Why Is Rodent Clean-Up Necessary?
Even if you already know you have a rodent problem in your attic, you may be curious why clean up and restoration services are necessary. After all, there’s nothing up there besides dust and insulation. So why is it important to invest in an attic rodent clean up?
Rodents pose serious health risks to people and animals. They can carry several diseases and parasites which can spread not only through direct contact but also through their droppings and urine. If there is currently a rodent infestation in your attic, it’s important to remember that the pests could easily continue spreading to other areas of your home by using the vents as a crawl space. Extermination and clean up will be much more difficult and expensive if you choose to wait until the problem spreads. Moreover, without a crawl space or attic cleaning service, you may not even know the extent of the infestation’s damage.
Looking for Signs of Rodents
If you are going to look for rodents in your attic, it is important to prepare. Wear full-body protection including eye, nose, and mouth protection. Use a good flashlight when looking for signs of these critters in your attic. Don’t just look on the floor – check walls, rafters, insulation, ducts, and ceilings for signs of rodent activity.
A good inspection can determine whether rodents are present, the type of rodent, how severe the rodent problem is, how these animals are getting in and why they are choosing to live in the attic. Though the process of clearing rodents from an attic space is very comprehensive and comes with a price, the cost of rodent-proofing your attic will be well worth it.
What to Look For
The following signs are what you will be looking for when you conduct an inspection of your attic for rodents. Remember, when it comes to restoration services, attic spaces are one of the most common areas to need attention. If you have an infestation, this is fairly common and can be addressed. Look for the following signs of rodent activity in your attic:
Rodent droppings are one of the most common and easily identifiable indicators that rodents are present in your attic. If you know how to inspect droppings, you can tell what type of rodent left them and how bad is the infestation.
Mice and rats, two of the most commonly found rodents in attics, leave very different droppings. Mouse feces are very small – usually less than one-quarter of an inch – and pointed on the ends. Rat feces are generally half of an inch or longer. Different species of rats leave differently shaped droppings – Norway Rats leave feces that are rounded at the ends, while Roof Rats’ droppings are pointed.
Fresh rodent droppings have a shine to them and are soft and similar to putty, texturally. Old droppings are hard, dry, and crumbly. Finding feces from the same species in various sizes is an indicator that both adults and young are present. Rodent feces clean up is a very important part of attic rodent clean up. If you find a lot of droppings, it’s time to call a professional and decontaminate the space.
Urine from rodents has a very strong smell and in larger infestations, it can be smelled easily.
Chewed Holes
Rodents commonly chew holes in the spaces they inhabit. Your electrical wires can be used as an indicator. Mouse holes tend to be about the size of a dime with clean edges, while rat holes are closer to a quarter, and rough around the edges.
Rodent nests are one of the largest and easily seen signs of an infestation. Mice commonly rip up paper, even rodent-resistant insulation and other materials to create nests. Rats may behave similarly and also commonly burrow in the ground or nest elsewhere in the attic.
You may know you have a rodent infestation in your attic because you can hear it. Rats and mice in the attic can often be audibly noticed scurrying around above you. You may even hear rodents scurry away when you enter your attic to look for them.
Dog and Cat Behavior
Your furry friends might be the first to notice that you have a rodent infestation in your attic. Barking and pawing at areas where rodents are present are common behaviors. Depending on where the infestation is, your cat may even successfully catch rodents in the house.
If you notice any of the common signs of rodent activity in your attic listed above, contact one of our attic professionals at Pestcheck, today!
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