7 Great Hacks for the Perfect Pest-Free Picnic

Cupcake Liner On A Cup/Can
Fed up of those pesky wasps and flies always landing in your drink? Well you won’t be for much longer – all you need to do is place a cupcake liner upside down on top of the can or cup and then poke a hole in the top just big enough to fit your straw. And then you’ll be able to enjoy quenching your thirst at your pest-free picnic!
Muffin Tin Serving Platters
Chances are you use your muffin pan pretty infrequently – it’s time to put it to good use, Use them for serving snacks on your next epic picnic or cookout. These pans are oh-so-perfect for serving finger foods such as veggies, fruits, nuts and dip!
Mason Jar Veggies
Mason jars are a great way to store foods or make salads. Include them on your picnic to help jazz up your veggies with some dip! With the snap on lid, your pest-free all the way.
Salt And Pepper In A Tic-Tac Box
You don’t want to carry your big salt and pepper pots on your walk with you, Why not use empty tic-tac boxes and pour some salt and pepper into so it’s a nice small easy-to-carry size! If you’re worried about ants getting into your food, check out our article on too many ants spoiling your picnic for some great tips.
Freeze Water Bottles To Keep Food Chilled
Nothing is more frustrating than sitting down to eat your picnic and finding everything is too warm, so all you need to do is freeze a couple of bottles of water. If you’re looking for more tips on keeping bugs away from your food, check out our article on how to keep your backyard party bug-free.
Phone in Plastic Cup To Amplify Speakers
It’s so annoying when you forget to bring portable speakers out for a picnic with you, but there’s no need to panic! If you put your phone inside a plastic cup it will amplify the sound and create a great atmosphere for your summer picnic. If you’re worried about bugs ruining your picnic, check out our article on how to keep your backyard party bug-free for some great tips.
Bring A Shower Curtain To Keep You Dry
Nobody wants to get a soggy bum while eating your lunch. Bring a shower curtain liner along with you to ensure your family and your food all stay dry. Just place it underneath your picnic blanket and enjoy your food with no worries at all.
Thanks for reading our article on 7 great hacks for the perfect pest-free picnic! We hope you found these tips helpful and that you can enjoy your next picnic without any pesky insects bothering you. If you’re dealing with a pest problem in your home or backyard, don’t hesitate to contact us for help. We provide pest control services in various areas including West Vancouver, North Vancouver, Vancouver, Burnaby & New West, Coquitlam & Tri-Cities, and Richmond. Visit our city pages to learn more about the services we offer in your area and to book an appointment with us today!