How Do Mice Get in My RV?

Mouse infestations often occur while your RV is in storage for the winter. For several months of the year, the camper is empty without much activity, making it the perfect spot for rodents to hang out unnoticed. An RV is a warm, cozy place for a mouse to take up residence during the winter months. If you live in a cold climate, rodents have an even bigger incentive to find a warm home and food to survive the winter. Any food left inside an RV is like an all-you-can-eat buffet for the rodent
Common entry points include, but are not limited to:
- Gaps or openings under the rig
- Openings around wiring, tubes, and hoses
- Poorly sealed pull-out sections
- Holes along roof
- Gaps around heating and electrical panels
- Heating and electrical access panels
Mice are more than a minor annoyance for RV owners. They can cause serious damage to your RV damage that can require some hefty repair costs. They will chew through almost anything, including upholstery, cushions, wiring, and the plastic and rubber lines that serve crucial functions in your RV. Mice make nests inside the RV, often using the chewed-up components to build those nests. Not only is it expensive to repair, but all of that damage is a big mess to clean up.
Mice can also spread disease, which makes the cleanup process potentially dangerous to your health. In fact, they are known to spread many diseases. The last thing you want to worry about when you finally travel in your RV is getting sick.
If mice have already made it into your vehicle, you may want to try setting traps. Live, glue or spring traps are recommended. Be advised that rodenticide is not the best option. The mouse could crawl into a small space and die. This will leave you with limited access to the carcass and an overpowering odor. Instead, place traps in the corners of the RV and near the wheels of the outside. Check them daily and reset and discard any trapped mice.
In order to keep your RV free of mice (and other pests), we recommend the following pest prevention tips:
- Keep your RV clean Mice are attracted to food so it’s imperative that you wipe up every little spill and crumb on the counters, tables, and floors.
- Store food in containers mice cannot get into Rather than leave food in original packaging, transfer to containers with secure fitting lids and never leave open packages of food laying around.
- Seal all openings Inspect your rig from top to bottom to find every potential entry point. You could use electrical tape to mark every spot and then go back with spray foam, caulking, or other products designed for this purpose. You should also install wire mesh over vents so that mice can’t get in, but air flow is not disrupted.
- Remove potential nesting material If you’re not planning on hitting the road any time soon, remove towels, linens, and other items that mice may use to line their nests.
- Park your RV on concrete Whether you’re in a campground or at home, park your RV on concrete or gravel if possible, to deter mice. Grassy, brushy, or forested areas are magnets for rodents.
Pestcheck Pest Control is a company that has three decades of experience when it comes to helping home and vehicle owners be rodent-free. If you’re looking to take your family on a trip with your RV this summer but can’t be bothered to chase out the family of mice, simply get in touch with Pestcheck. Reach out to us today and ensure your family has a lovely and relaxed summer on the road.