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Insect Control

Spiders Treatment & Removal

Spiders Description

Spiders are arachnids with eight segmented legs, two body segments, and can spin silk for webs.

Spiders Size

Spiders range from 3 to 35 mm long, varying significantly by species.

Spiders Color

Spider colors range from brown and black to vibrant reds, yellows, and greens.

Spiders Habitat

Spiders live in forests, gardens, and homes, preferring dark, undisturbed areas like basements and attics.

Spiders Diet

Carnivorous, spiders feed on insects and small arthropods, using venom to immobilize their prey.

Spiders Lifecyle

Spiders develop from eggs to spiderlings, molting several times before reaching adulthood.

Types of Spiders in Canada

In Canada, common spider species include the wolf spider, fishing spider, cellar spider, house spider, garden spider, and jumping spider. Each species has distinct behaviors and habitats. For instance, wolf spiders are ground-dwellers known for their speed, while cellar spiders prefer dark, damp areas like basements. Garden spiders are often seen in outdoor spaces spinning large orb webs, and jumping spiders are known for their agility and excellent vision.

Problems caused by Spiders

While most spiders are harmless and help control insect populations, some can cause issues. Spider bites, although rare, can occur and may cause allergic reactions. Black widow spider bites are more serious, potentially causing muscle cramps, sweating, and high blood pressure due to their neurotoxic venom. Spiders and their webs can also cause psychological distress and aesthetic issues in homes, making them unwelcome guests for many people.

Appearance and identification

Spiders vary widely in appearance but share key characteristics: eight segmented legs, two main body segments (cephalothorax and abdomen), and no wings. Sizes range from 3 mm to 35 mm. Common house spiders are small and brown, while wolf spiders are larger and hairy. Black widow spiders are shiny black with a red hourglass marking. Identifying spiders involves noting their body shape, coloration, web type, and habitat.

Why do I have Spiders?

Spiders enter homes seeking shelter, food, and mating opportunities. They often gain entry through cracks, open windows, and doors, especially in colder months. Homes with abundant insect prey, such as flies and mosquitoes, provide an ideal environment. Cluttered areas, dark corners, and undisturbed spaces like basements and attics offer perfect hiding and web-building spots for these arachnids, leading to increased spider presence indoors.

How can I prevent Spiders?

Prevent spider infestations by keeping homes clean and free of clutter, reducing hiding spots. Seal cracks and gaps around windows, doors, and foundations to prevent entry. Use screens on windows and doors to keep spiders and their insect prey out. Regularly vacuum and dust to remove webs and potential food sources. Reducing outdoor lighting can also help, as it attracts insects, which in turn attract spiders.

How worried should I be about Spiders?

Most spiders in Canada are harmless and beneficial for controlling insect populations. However, some species, like the black widow, pose a health risk due to their venomous bites. It’s essential to take preventive measures to keep spiders out of the home and seek professional pest control if infestations become severe. Regular cleaning, sealing entry points, and reducing insect prey can minimize spider-related concerns.

How Does Our Spiders Treatment & Removal Work?

Spider Inspection

Pestcheck’s spider inspection involves a meticulous examination of your property, focusing on common hiding spots like basements, attics, and crawl spaces. Our experts thoroughly document all findings to understand the infestation’s extent. This comprehensive inspection helps us develop a targeted treatment plan to effectively eliminate spiders and their webs from your home.

Spider Control

Pestcheck’s spider control strategy targets both visible and hidden spiders inside and outside your home. We use eco-friendly treatments, including non-toxic insecticides and web removal techniques, to ensure thorough eradication. This comprehensive approach not only eliminates current spider infestations but also establishes a perimeter defense to prevent future ones, maintaining a safe, spider-free environment.

Spider Follow-Up

Pestcheck’s follow-up services include regular visits to monitor and reinforce treated areas. We adapt our methods to seasonal changes and ongoing spider activity, ensuring continuous protection. By fortifying the perimeter and addressing any new infestations promptly, we maintain your home’s spider-free status year-round, providing peace of mind and a safe living space.

Other Questions About Spiders

Frequently Asked Questions

We have been helping our Metro Vancouver residents and businesses with their pest control needs for several years. We have gathered the most common questions that we have received, and we answered them for you. The following is a list of questions and answers at your disposal.

The answer is, it depends on the spider. In BC, the only venomous spider is the Black Widow. All other spiders are known not to be poisonous or don’t pose a danger to humans or pets.

Spiders typically show up in dark, out of the way places such as basements and attics. Some species are particularly drawn to moisture, while others seek out dry areas in your home.

House spiders prey on insects and other small creatures. They are not bloodsuckers and have no reason to bite a human. While house spiders usually only bite when startled, their bites can cause a red mark, with irritation for a number of hours.

There are some simple steps you can take to reduce the likelihood of spiders entering your home.

First, be sure that your home is thoroughly sealed. Check windows, doors, and other points of entry are caulked and weather-stripped. Next, check the exterior of your home for spider webs. If you find webs in your garage, on your porch or under your carport, use a vacuum to remove them.

Daddy-Longlegs are one of the most poisonous spiders, but their fangs are too short to bite humans.

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