Pest Proofing Your Storage Unit
Self Storage units full of cardboard, upholstery and cracks and crevices scream “home” for mice, rats, cockroaches and bed bugs to name a few. Unlike a house or an office, a storage unit can go a long time before it is checked by it’s owner. This means an infestation can grow undetected and can easily spread from unit to unit.
So, how can you keep pests out of your self storage unit? Here are 7 tips for pest-free storage:
Pest Control
Ask the storage company if they have a pest control contract to treat individual units. High quality storage facilities will have a pest control plan in place making it more difficult for an infestation to spread from unit to unit.
Plastic Containers
Avoid using cardboard boxes that can easily be infested and used by nesting rodents. Use sealed plastic containers instead. Not only do stackable plastic bins take up less space, they’re much more difficult for pests to invade.
No Food Allowed
Vacuum or clean out furniture beneath the cushions. Check kitchen storage containers, pots and pans for any crumbs or residual food on the surfaces. Do not store any pantry items.
Raise Stored Items
Store boxes on raised, clean pallets to prevent smaller pests from hiding underneath.
Wrap Mattresses and Upholstered Furniture
Wrap plastic around your mattresses, upholstered furniture and soft items like pillows or curtains that don’t fit into boxes. Moths love to destroy fabric. A layer of plastic will make it harder for rats to damage your belongings.
Visit Your Storage Unit Regularly
Check on your unit regularly and look for signs of infestation. If you notice any problems, report them to the facility manager immediately.
Call in an Expert
Hire a pest professional, like Pestcheck, as soon as you suspect a pest problem. We will assess the extent of your problem, help you with treatment and offer you suggestions on how to prevent further damage.