Under Construction: Carpenter Bees

You are enjoying an afternoon on your deck and you notice a shiny, black bee hovering overhead. It’s possible the bees have set up a construction crew on your wooden deck this summer. Read on to discover tips on how to get rid of carpenter bees.
Carpenter bees prefer old and weathered wood, even unpainted. The most common signs of a carpenter bee infestation are the round, smooth holes the bees bore into the wood and the frass build up below the hole.
A single bee or two living in the wood of your home is not dangerous. While they do bore into the wood, they do not stay long or take up much space. Most will leave of their own accord after a few weeks. Since carpenter bees are also solitary, this means you typically won’t have a large infestation.
To identify early damage to buildings, you should regularly inspect the perimeter of your home and surrounding property looking for holes and black hovering bees. You read our article on effective home pest inspection tips.
However, if a lot of bees seem attracted to your house, it’s time for action. If you’re still battling carpenter bees, it might be time to call Pestcheck. We know how to get rid of carpenter bees. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!
It’s important to protect your house from pests in the summer months, you can also learn about other common summer pests in our article.
Don’t let carpenter bees ruin your summer enjoyment. If you’re struggling with these wood-boring pests, our team of experts is here to help you get rid of them. Whether you live in West Vancouver, North Vancouver, Vancouver, Burnaby & New West, Coquitlam & Tri-Cities, or Richmond, we offer comprehensive pest control solutions tailored to your needs. Don’t wait any longer – contact us today for a free consultation and let’s make your home pest-free together!